Member of Techno Group
What is the PEX?
The idea of using plastic pipes started from poly ethylene for sanitary Instaurations and healing after aggravation of Problems of the traditional nets concerning their fast decay and getting rust eel and calcified as well. There fore the need for pipes able to bear high temperature and pressure arise, these pipes must have been good for drinking water, and uncreative with other materials in water .
Thus after many researches and prolonged experiments , a poly ethylene pipe has been invented with high density and cross linking, able to bear high temperature and pressure so that it could be used in sanitary installation and central heating as well, in addition it is good for drinking water and uncreative with any materials in the water .
Since the early 50s, when it was first used for the first time in Europe still now, the poly ethylene crisscross pipe (Pex) use spreads out to the countries of the world for many uses .
Non, techno Pex in Syria, has come as a result of half century experience in Europe, it has been produced in Syria since 1955 under supervision of the biggest interuati and companies that produce plastic pipes, where they put their whole experience to produce the techno Pex which we use now .In 2001, the second generation of Techno Pex pipes has started using the best machines and in accord an German standard (DIN 16892-16893) and the French standard (NF54085).
Finally in 2003 Techno Pex has got the German (SKZ) for laboratory experience, it's a certificate that qualifies TechnoPex to enter the European market.. TechnoPex is a new technology to carve man humans and reduce energy, time and money.